الاثنين، 22 سبتمبر 2014

Draft Work Procedures Manual for Complaints Office in the Iraqi Parlia


Work Procedures Manual for Complaints Office in the Iraqi Parliament 

Prepared and designed by
Haitham AL Hassani

Work Procedures Manual for Complaints Office in Parliament

  1. Introduction about Complaint Office                                                                   
  2. Introduction about Work Procedures Manual for Complaint Office and Its importance
  3.  Subordination of Complaint Office
  4. Complaint Office’s Work Procedures
  5. Complaint Office’s Jurisdictions and Authorities
  6. Complaint’s Conditions
  7. Receivable Complaints 
  8. Complaints Not Part of Complaint Office’s Jurisdictions
  9. Methods to Receive Complaints
  10. Work Mechanism and Procedures  
  11. Phase One: Receiving Complaints
  12. Complaint Sample
  13. Phase Two: Follow up Complaint
  14. Follow up Sample + Sample for Approaching Ministers’ Offices and Officials
  15.  Phase Three: Solving and Closing Complaint
  16. Reports’ System
  17. Transference System
  18. Storing and Disposing System
  19. Classifying Complaints
  20. Complaint Office in Parliament Presidency Commission
Work Procedures Manual for Complaints Office in Parliament  
The complaints that are submitted by a citizen or a group of citizens or any other legal personality to the complaints offices in the Iraqi parliament represent one of the pillars for the National Accountability System; moreover some of these complaints might focus on the failures of persons’ performance or on the performance of state institutions. The complaints are considered a major tool to protect the rights of citizens from violations in general, improve the performance of these institutions by providing the best services to the society through questioning the administration staff regarding their work and performance.

The lack of activating the Complaints Office in the Iraqi parliament might lead to lack of citizens’ trust who want to present their complaints. It was observed that the lack of procedures to follow up complaints will have a negative impact on the performance of these offices that will lead to exaggerated impressions about the cases of corruptions which can justify the mediation, nepotism, intercession and bribery to finish the transactions.

Introduction about Complaint Office 
The Complaint Office is the place that receives the citizens’ complaints, follows up the solution, replies to the complainant and documents such complaints. This Office is considered as a mediator between the Parliament, Ministries and state offices from one side and the complainant from the other side, it is a channel of two directions to follow up the complaint after transferring it from the complainant to the targeted entity in the parliament.  
Thus, this Office is not an authorized entity to decide about and solve the complaints or even investigate such complaints. This Office also is not a judicial entity to resolve the conflict among the disputed parties as the function of this Office is administrative not legal or monitoring function.
The purpose of Complaints Office is to identify the entity (office, department, or employee) to assume receiving the complaint and follow it up in the state institution; the citizen will be introduced to the work mechanism and procedures.
This Office has enough number of employees with enough space to receive the complainants. This Office should be supplied with the required equipments, devices and computers in addition to provide training and rehabilitation periodically.

The procedures to receive the complaints in this Office are free and without any charges.

The Complaint Office is not a monitoring entity or an authorized entity to decide about the cases but it is a channel of two sides and a mediator between the complainant and the parliament or a ministry as it follows up the complaint and answers the citizen as its authorities and function is similar to the administration of a court.

Introduction about Work Procedures Manual for Complaint Office and Its importance
This manual demonstrates all the detailed consecutive steps that are related to follow up with the audience: inquiries about the justifications for a ministry or state office or state employee’s attitude, or to ask for an interpretation or clarification for a procedure or action, or to complain about the conduct of a ministry employee and his/her performance during the work.
The importance of this manual is that used as a conclusive guide for all the procedures that deal with complaints and follow up with audience and this manual determines the types of complaints that are allowed to receive and that are not related to the jurisdiction of Complaints Office. This manual demonstrates the ways that can receive the complaints and clarifies the methods for following up and closing the complaints file in addition to classifies the complaints and reports system attached with relevant samples. 
Preparing the manual and approving it in the final shape requires time that is not less than several years according to the international and local experiences, each office will test this manual through practice and applications so if there is any gap or complication, this manual will be modified.  
So this manual will be applied at least for six months as a probation period and then to be approved after amending anything that requires amendment. This manual is an example and system that is applicable in all the parliamentary complaints offices regardless of their size, the nature of their work and the volume of their dealing with citizens in addition to provide reasonable margin that meet the specialization of each office. 

After preparing and approving the work procedures manual, it will have a probationary period for six months in order to address the gaps and defaults to achieve the goal of this manual

Subordination of Complaint Office
The Complaints Office is subordinated to the highest legislative authority in Iraq as it is linked directly with the parliament assuming that the jurisdictions and work of the Complaint Office is linked with the Iraqi citizens’ complaints (electors) and their relations with the procedures of state and local institutions and their employees that are distributed among all their offices. It is assumed that these complaints should be related to the complaints offices functions and should be linked also with highest entity in ministries and state offices or with anyone authorized by the minister or the director general of the office to ensure success and efficiency in performance in addition to make the right decision.

Complaints Office Work Procedures
1. Manual Significance and Content

This manual includes five parts:
  • Parliament: Definition, establishment, goals, strategies, powers, responsibilities, rules of procedures and code of conducts.
  • The Complaints Office function: registering and following up complaints, Complaints Office authorities, complaints criteria, methods of receiving complaints, follow up mechanism, Complaints Office’s relations with other units and departments, and Complaints Office’s role in the parliamentary offices in the governorates.
  • Complaints file: Criteria of closing a complaint, transferring the complaint to the new year, storing and disposing complaints, reports systems, consultations and directions.
  •  Required samples of each phase: complaint sample, follow up card, inquiry sample, written reply sample and complaint closing sample.
  • Training and awareness.

2. Complaints Office’s Jurisdictions and Authorities
The Complaints Office assumes the following responsibilities:
  1. Receive the complaints and make sure that these complaints are part of the Office’s responsibilities and jurisdictions in addition to inform the complainant whether the complaint is accepted or rejected along with justifications and reasons.
  2. Verify the details of the complaint especially if the complaint is vague.
  3. Register the complaint in the record according to special system and follow a specific classification system.
  4. Start contacting the relevant entities in ministries and state offices to inquire and ask for a reply by contacting the direct officer in the entity that is complained about to inform him/her of this complaint.
  5. Take over the follow up and inquiries in case there is no solution for the complaint or due to the hesitation of the addressed directorate or the department. This will be done either through contacting the same entity with an inquiry letter about the complaint or the Office submit a report to the competent minister that includes a summary about the complaint , its correspondences, suggestions and recommendations  that can be handled in order the minister or whoever authorized by him/her can take the right decision.
  6. Inform the complainant by a written letter for the reply or solution regarding his/her complaint.
  7. The Office will draw the attention of competent entities regarding the issues and complaints related to the ministry work and involved with violations or misconduct of an employee or repetition of complaint regarding specific topic or directorate or an employee in the ministry or a social case or a health condition.
  8. The Office will draw the attention of competent entities such as a ministry or a directorate regarding any complaints related to the performance of the ministry or directorates in the governorates or any of their staff either through media or general meetings. 
  9. Prepare various technical, administrative and annual reports to be submitted to the relevant entities.

There are some tasks for any complaint office that include receiving complaints and making sure that are part of the office’s authorities in addition to follow up, reply about the complaint, classifying, archiving , reporting and drawing the attention of a ministry regarding any complaints from the public.

Complaint’s Conditions
The complaints involved with legal violations or any misuse of policies in a ministry or bad conduct by an employee during the work in addition to the possibility to receive clarification requests regarding the justifications of any decision. The authority belongs to the nature of tasks and powers in each office, there are general conditions that shall be available in the complaints in order to be accepted or followed up: 

  1. The complaints should be related to the decentralized ministries or local offices or any employee in these offices or any institution belong it or any business that is related to its jurisdictions or the legal and constitutional violations.  
  2. The complaint should not be filed long time after the violation, the Office should decide the duration of appeal against administrative decision based on instructions and considerations through a decision issued by the Director of Complaints Office in Baghdad in this respect.

The complaints should have the following technical and procedural conditions: 

  1. Filling the complaint sample as the complaint will be disregarded or ignored if it is not following the complaint sample with details of the written or printed complaint.
  2. The complainant’s signature and his/her willingness to show his/her name, occupation and address.
  3.  The compliant should be received when its submitted by the complainant itself or any eligible person authorized by him/her (such as father, heir, guardian and anyone who has a power of attorney to represent the complainant), the compliant can be accepted if it is submitted by a legal personality (such as private institution or company).
  4. The complaint should be sealed by the Complaint Office’s seal.  

There are consecutive procedures that should be followed in order to consider the inquiry request or the compliant; these procedures depend on the availability of technical elements in that request or complaint
A. Receivable Complaints 
1. Not providing service to the citizen or delay in providing such a service or not doing that in a right way.
2. Complaint regarding the behavior of an employee and using his/her post for personal interest or for practicing authority over citizens or dishonest or illegal procedures.
3. Discrimination and lack of equality due to sex or color or religion or disability.
4. Not giving the citizen the chance to have access to the public information.

The procedures that related to addressing the complaints and clarification requests in the state institution are the same one with the ordinary ministry.

B. Complaints Not Part of Complaint Office’s Jurisdictions

1. Complaints submitted before judiciary and courts or arbitration commissions
2. Complaints that already had court verdict about them.
3. Complaints that were submitted to the Complaints Office before and were related to the same parties and topic, and the Office already rejected them.
4. Complaints related to the obligations of individuals.
5. Complaints related to disputes among individuals or private institutions.
6. All the demands of Complaints Office staff regarding employment, promotion and internal procedures.
7. Humanitarian aids and external aids complaints and directing the complainant to the relevant entities. 

The Complaints Office does not accept any complaint against an employee in a ministry if he/she was not committed to his/her personal obligations such delay in paying his/her house rental, the Office also does not accept any complaint related to the ministry employees regarding the internal procedures such as employee’s protest for not being promoted or being transferred to another department in the governorates office because following up such procedures should be through internal channels within the known hierarchy.

Methods to Receive Complaints
The Office can receive the complaints in one of the following methods:
1. Physical presence of the complainant or whoever authorized by him/her  
2. E-mail
3. Fax
4. Phone in specific cases especially in the remote areas and according to the nature of the compliant in addition to the willingness to be present in one of the Office’s branches to confirm his/her complaint.
5. Regular mail in case that the complainant signed the grievance in his/her name and mentioned his/her phone number or any type of contract info to check the presented info with the possibility to ask him/her to come to complete the relevant information.
6. The branches of the Office that are subordinated to the Parliament can assume these complaints provided that a specific entity should be assigned with this task according to the instruction of the main Complaints Office in Baghdad with a condition that the complaint sample should be sent later to the main Complaints Office.

Work Mechanism and Procedures
The work mechanism to follow up complaints includes some consecutive phases as shown below:

Phase One: Receiving Complaints
1. The complaints should be submitted as written document by the citizens according the specified methods and ways, the complaint sample should be filled to start the follow up process according the following details

The Office’s condition of receiving the citizens’ requests and complaints as written documents or even by hand writing will ensure that the Office’s staff will not interfere in writing the complaint or to influence the complainant. The complaint sample will be enough for the citizen to write down or print the details of complaint, by the end of this sample the complainant can write his/her name, ID number, date of drafting the complaint and his/her signature 

·        The main Complaints Office in the Parliament receives complaints and promptly starts following them up.
·        The branches of Complaints Office receive the complaints , start to fill their sample and then to send these complaints to the parliamentary office in governorates or the main Complaints Office in Baghdad because they have no authority to accept or reject the complaint unless the complaints officer is authorized to receive such complaints, in all cases the branches enclosed with the complaints their comments and recommendations regarding the acceptance or rejection of the complaint, a group of employees should be recruited in each branch to receive, store and transfer complaints in addition to answer the complainant whether the complaint is accepted or rejected if they are authorized to do so. 
·        The Complaints Office is not interfering, whether in the Parliament or in the branches, in the written complaint, but it should interfere in filling in the details in the sample, these details include: date of complaint, complainant’s name and address, phone, fax and telephone number, the entity that is complained about, complaint’s summary, attachments and supporting documents in addition to the complainant’s signature and the Office’s seal.    

The sample that is used by the Office is easy and includes the following information and should attach the written complaint: 

Complaint Sample   
 Code: .................

 Date: …../…./….

Concerned Person Name: ………………………..      Age: …………..

Card Number: ………………………………...

Complainant Name: …………………………..           Relation: …………………..                                                    

Address: ……………………………………………………

Phone No and Mobile No: …………………………….  Fax No: ………………..                             

How was the complaint presented: ……………….. Date of presenting it: ………………

Complaint No: …………………… Type: ……………………

 Directorate     Office    Department      The entity that complained about:  

Complaint Classification: ……………………………………………..

Complaint Acceptance: ………………………  Complaint Rejection: …………………

Justifications for Complaint Rejection: ……………………………….

Documents and Attachments: ……………………………….
Employee received the complaint: …………………………. Signature: ………………

Date of Presenting the complaint: ………………. Date of Receiving the complaint: ……

  1. Giving the complaint a serial number according to the classification system approved by Complaints Office
  2. Classifying the complaints according to the topic so the group complaint will be considered an individual complaint if it is shared with the same topic and same subject only in special cases.
  3.  Classifying the complaint by identifying its content, type and the entity that is related to it.
  4. The complaints officer should make sure that all the technical and procedural details are met. 
  5. The Complaints Office has the right to inquire and clarify any additional necessary information from the complainant, the Office verifies these required information, data and documents are provided.
  6. The complainant should be informed of accepting or rejecting his/her complaint by the Office within a week from the date of filing the complaint, along with reasons and justifications through the reply sample.
  7.  The complainant should be informed of the steps to follow up his/her complaint within expected timetable and should be set in the Office work mechanisms.
  8. The Office should give the complainant a “receipt” or supportive documents that will be enclosed with the complaint in case to avoid the allegation of losing the document or they are not received. This procedure could be achieved either through the receipt sample or by giving the complainant a copy of the complaint sample that will include the attachment, in all cases the administration of Complaint Office shall not accept any original documents but only accept the copies.
  9. The complainant should be supplied with visit card that includes some information such as: complainant name or whoever authorized by him/her, complaint number and subject, date of filing this complaint, date and time of visit along with the complaints officer’s signature and seal.    

The visit card will include:
Complainant’s number and name, complaint’s number, the entity that is complained about, date of filing this complaint, date and time of visit along with the complaints officer’s signature and seal  

       I.            Stage II: Claims follow – up and solutions:
1-      The role of the Claims Office is conducting the correspondences with the related parties to settle any claim according to the law. Moreover, this office is not considered as monitoring or judicial party or authorized to settle any cases. The claims office also keen on the direct contact with the local and governmental ministries and its directorates as far as possible, and keen on these correspondences to be via official, signed and registered letters.
2-      The claims office begins the follow –up, correspondence and makes the necessary contacts immediately after receiving the claim from the concerned party in order to verify the claim and notify the concerned party with brief of the claim content.

The Claims Office uses the inquiries form in correspondences with the concerned parties to notify them with the claim and waiting for reply from the correspondent party, the form shape will be as follows:



Mr./Mrs. :......................................................................


The Citizen (She/he)               submitted the Claim number:...............    On:.....................  
That stated.......................................................................................



And we would like to know your opinion over this claim, kindly waiting for your quick reply in order to inform the complainant. With full respect.

Head of the Claims Office.
The reply of the correspondent party will be on the same form.

The Claims Office receives the reply of the correspondent parties that stated the case solution to comply with correcting the wrong procedure that already had been adopted, explained or justified.
3-      The complainant will be informed with the reply of the written claim that he submit.
The written reply form includes a bunch of data that contains the reply of the defendant party and its date and date of handing over the reply to the complainant and the claim number.

4-      The claims unit will correspond again with the same party as claim reminder and verify about its situation via using the reminding and follow – up form during two weeks as maximum from the date of receiving the claim and conduct the correspondences.

It’s further to be suggested that the follow – up and reminding form should consist of the following items:





Reference to your inquiry addressed letter on:..................................

 Concerned with the Claim number:..............   of the Citizen..................

                     We would like to remind that we didn’t receive any reply from your side over the above mentioned claim, kindly asking for your follow – up to the claim, and waiting for your quick reply.

Head of the Claims office  
Reply of the correspondent party

5-      During one business week of following –up and reminding, and in case of the board that didn’t receive any reply. The Claims Office will address the case to the minister or his deputy, by writing a memo includes the claim briefing and sends it to the addressed party, and refuse receiving any reply from that party attached with its recommendations and remarks till the minister or his deputy taking the suitable act.

The minister or his deputy will address after three weeks whereas the board addressed the targeted party with the claim by inquiry form first, then after waiting for two weeks without receiving any reply by the Claims Office. He will be addressing the same party again with Reminding and Follow – up letter, then after waiting for one business week of this procedure, and after the office that didn’t receive any written reply from the targeted party, will inform the minister or his deputy with the reference form attached with the claim file. And it’s to be suggested that the following shape below are the format of the reference form:

To: the Minister. Kindly greetings from the Claims Office
After receiving and following-up the claim of the citizen:.................
 Number:.................  That signed on:................./.............../..............
ClaimBriefing :........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                     ،
And because of not receiving any reply from the concerned party at your ministry after sending the letters of inquiry and reminding, we kindly submit the claim to your office.

Remarks of the Head of the Claims Office

With full respect and appreciation

Head of Claims Office
The Minister decision


6 – Within two weeks, and in case the Claims Office does not receive any response from the Minister or his delegate, the complainant ought to be informed in writing that there was no reply, to inform him to follow up his complaint as he wishes, e.g. goes to the Court. 
7 – In the process of follow up, the Claims Office has the right to undertake:
·         Contact the Office or Department the complaint linked to and inform it that the reply received (which concerns some complaint) is not satisfactory and not even justified and the complainant will be informed of the reply as it is unless the Office or Dept. concerned change the reply, then the complainant will be informed of the new reply.
·         Contact the Minister’s Office or his delegate to inform them of not receiving the reply concerns the complaint referred to that Office and inform them that the complainant will be informed of the non response from the Minister.
·         Contact more than one party inside the Ministry concerned to inquire about certain complaint.

Complaint Fund can alert any targeted Party in case the reply received is not suitable or satisfactory not because it is an oversight or judicial Party but to protect people or complainants rights and the Ministry good functional performance but even though any Administration is not bond to change its reply.

8 – In case the complaint concerns parties beyond the tendencies of the Claims Office, this office will receive the part which concerns it and advise the complainant to approach the Ministry or Offices concerned to follow up the other part of his complaint.
9 – The HQ in the Parliament issues regulations and circulations which confine time and the nature of procedures and steps for following up the claims received, dedicate the Party authorized to follow up. The HQ or his delegate is keen to interfere as soon as possible.
10 – The defendant office or dept. has the right to meet the complainant after informing the Claims Office.
Third Stage: Solve and close the claims
1 – The Office closes the followed up claims after preparing the “closing report” which includes: the claim number, date, name of the complainant, follow ups carried out, reply and its date, closing date including its reasons and justifications, signature of the report editor and stamped by the Claims Office. A claim cannot be closed unless:
2- Preparing the closing report.
3- Receiving the written reply and inform the complainant also in writing.
4- Not receiving the reply (negative reply) and inform the complainant in writing of not receiving the reply.
5- The complainant demands closing the claim and stop follow up on condition he signs the application dedicated for such purpose.
6- Claim Office explains to the complainant and informs him, as explained in the reply application, that he has the right to object and appeal to the measures and resolutions within a reasonable time in front of an authorized office to view and appeal the case.
7- Replies must not exceed the adopted limit of time with a certain margin to the nature of the claim.

The Closing report by which claim closes and Claims Offices ends follow up steps, contains name of the complainant, the targeted area, claim number, date of raising the claim, correspondents carried out by Claim Office, replies received and transferred to the complainant.

1- Claim Office reopens any claim in case new findings require reopening the claim appears upon a complainant request. It will be considered as new complaint.
2- Claim office will record all rejected claims in private record and will be classified in Claims record in different classifications under the title “consultations”.
3- The Official in charge of the Claims Office should be keen in recording and documenting all steps (referring, correspondents, inquires, resolutions and replies) in a special record.
Reports system
1-      Each office of the Claim Offices related to the Iraqi CoR prepares a periodical report each three months and present it to the main office at the CoR HQ or its delegate to follow up claims file. This file should include a numerical statistic record for the number of claims sent to the Claim Office classified and distributed to the offices concerned with reference to the follow up status. This report ought to be discussed in a meeting held by the main Office or its delegate with the provinces Claims Offices.
2-      Each office of the Claim Offices related to the Iraqi CoR prepares a comprehensive annual report and present it to the Main Office numerical and analytical includes the number of claims received classified according to the topics and offices concerned with reference to the number of issues followed up and what results they achieve, what responses the Office got from the offices and departments concerned, in addition to the proposals and recommendations the report contains. The annual report also includes analysis to the claims, its nature, classification in regard to the focus on the constituent and the voter to discuss the subject and take a suitable decision with the possibility of referring to some cases and samples of claims already solved and those still subject to follow up. The report also focuses on reasons caused claims and pick up what might form certain phenomena and provoking reasons in order to solve the roots caused the claim and remove them. Annual report also contains analysis the relation between Claim Offices in the Provinces Offices and the Main Office in the CoR HQ as well as the relation with the Parliament Committees, Iraqi ministries, offices, Province's local offices with the Claims Office and its branches and the needs come to the surface while functioning and the general recommendations concern the whole process.
3-      The Main Office in the CoR HQ presents the report to the Presidency Council giving it time to see the report, read it to the public and publish it as per the means and tools available.
4-      Claim Office prepares special reports for certain cases about some special claims or according to the repetition of some claims about the same official or service or when the Office is requested to do so.

The task of preparing administrative, technical, private and annual reports is considered one of the vital tasks of the Claims Office especially the annual report because it reflects the size of claims, gives signals about some phenomena which the Ministry suffers from, irregular functioning and this report could used as an important tool for the Ministry for reform, prepare plans and fix needs

Carryover System
1- Claims Office is keen to close all received claims at the end of the year to jump as much as possible carrying over claims to next year.
2- Claims Office fixes type of the carryover system, how to handle it and follow up mechanism.
Filing and destroying system
1- Claims Office keeps claims documents and files them in its archive.
2- Time duration for keeping claims is fixed as per instructions issued by the Main Office.
3- Claims Office forms “Destruction Committee” to get rid of the archive by the end of filing duration but records should be kept and looked after continuously.
Claims classifications
Claims are classified to many types according to the defendant party in the ministry, government offices and local institutions as follow:
1- Claims concern Ministries, government offices, parliament offices and local institutions will have the signal 1000
2- Claims concern officials will have the signal 2000
3- Claims related to the work of Ministries, offices and local institutions in general will have the signal 3000
4- Consultations and rejected claims bear the signal 4000
5- Each claim will hold serial number, this number consists of three digits as follow: claim signal……/ date……. / the claim serial number.
Claim Office in the CoR Presidency
Authorities of the Claims Office in the CoR Presidency are confined to the following tasks:
1- Receive and follow up claims submitted against the CoR.
2- Prepare claims annual report based on the reports of the Claims Units in the Provinces.
3- Do all support and pack up processes for the Claims Units at the formal institutions.
4- Undertake all training and rehabilitation processes for the Claims Units Staff.
5- Follow up all public sector institutions to establish Claims Units inside them. 
6- Undertake all types of coordination processes between Claims Units.
7- Prepare all types of samples and forms concern claims and circulate these forms among Claims Units.
8- Prepare annual training course, Claim Office will prepare the training materials and the readings needed for the Staff of the Claims Units.
9- Prepare and hold annual meeting (annual day) for all the Staff working in the Claims Units to discuss the experience and draft recommendations for developing the work and transmit experiences among generations and ensure contacts between the old and new elements.
10- Organize and coordinate the processes of people outreach in regard to the Claims Units.
11- Issue periodical publication.
12- Prepare participation for the Units’ Staff in activities and courses outside the country.

Outreach operations for people and training for the Claims Units Staff is considered a vital element for the Claims Office success and how people comprehend its role, allow it to participate in the reform processes, improve performance and establish the national questioning system

13- Undertake focused and intensive outreach processes for people in regard to:
A- Define Claims Offices, their establishment and work start.
B- Outreach people about the authorities of these offices, follow up mechanism, measures taken and their serials, issues being looked at or under consideration and those beyond the field of specialization.
C- Declare the duration of time for each claim that can be followed up and give it a push forward.
D- Define the complainant right in objecting, appealing and guide him towards the parties he can approach in case he feels that the solution one of the Claims Units ended at was unfair. 

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